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Fire Performances


I SPY with my little eye...


More Jonny English than James bond, our super special agents are the masters of disguise and not so sneaky spy techniques. They can hide (not always very well) in plain sight and follow suspects while onlookers watch and laugh at their ridiculous antics, ludicrous props, and silly slapstick routines whenever they are caught out and have to 'abort mission.' 


When they're not on an assignment, they are training budding wannabe spies the tricks of the trade in the 'Spy Master Class.' From silly spy walks and absurd following techniques to code-words and suspect observation, they'll have you knocking down the door at MI6 demanding a job in no time!

Spies is beautifully entertaining and lends itself perfectly to festivals, fetes, and parades.

Street Theatre - Minehead - October (8).JPG
Street Theatre - Minehead - October (20)_edited_edited.jpg
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