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Stilt Walking

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The Studios

“Do you wanna be in a movie?”

Forget George Lucas and Steven Spielberg; say farewell to Alfred Hitchcock and Danny Boyle. There’s a new guy in town, Mr Big. Most famously known (by his Mum) for his Oscar award-winning directing (as voted by his friend Oscar) of “the Nativity”, the local primary school. Inspired by the likes of the X-Factor and Britain’s Got Talent (well, the idea of not having to pay the actors anyway), Mr Big and his long-serving, glutton for punishment trusted cameraman/actor/make-up artist are casting local talent and/or passers-by to become the stars of the future! Who knew that there were so many Bruce Willis, Angelina Jolie, and Arnie look-a-likes?

Re-enacting famous movie scenes with props, sound effects, and overly enthusiastic directing, The Studios is superb roaming entertainment, especially at an awards night or festival. The act usually consists of several short 5-10 minute comedy routines with small groups or can be performed as a static twenty-minute show. 

(Can be performed on or off stilts)

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Cops and robbers

Cops and Robbers is Custard Storm’s most popular double act.

Consisting of a continuous game of cat and mouse, they provide a fantastic interactive piece of entertainment for all events. Our ‘on the run’ convict is refusing to return to his cell due to ’cramped conditions, but this makes no difference to the long arm (or in this case legs) of the law as he continually chased and harassed repeatedly having to come up with alibies and hiding places to stay one small step ahead of the law.

Should this lovable rouge end up being stopped, he’ll tell you all about the family business as well as top tips on how to escape your cell through the power of storytelling and the medium of magic and balloon modelling.

Everyone can instantly relate to the Good Vs Bad scenario. Whether they are walking parades, roaming festivals, mingling with shoppers at malls and outlets,  these two will have a riot interacting with the crowds,  exciting little ones and bringing smiles and laughter to the faces of all, both young and old. The real question is, who is your public going to help the most; PC Long-Fella or Convict 774?

They can even be performed on powerisers (bouncy stilts) for maximum effect; on firm surfaces.

The Judge is a great addition to this duo as he dishes out ‘punishments to suit the crime’ like he was handing out sweets. So whether you’re too pretty or handsome, wearing your hat incorrectly or speeding with the pram, your crimes could be punished by being sent for sweets, told to have a glass of wine or a minimum of twenty minutes of play in the park!


The (lost) explorers

"Move over, Indiana Jones; there are new explorers in town! Dr Forget-me-nots and trusty assistant Mr Errm are most famously known for discovering the ‘Lost Marmite Tribe of the Forbidden Land’ and the infamous unearthing of the ‘City of Gold-en Crayons’. They are now heading out to a place near you to see what findings can be uncovered there for Queen and country!

Equipped with nets, magnifying glasses and pointing sticks, they are prepared for whatever or whomever they may encounter. Confusion and amazement go seemingly hand-in-hand with the discovery of everyday items, wowing them before they’ll produce their hand-drawn map that the professor’s child drew the night before and ask for directions to their next destination.

(Available on or off stilts)




More Jonny English than James bond, our super special agents are the masters of disguise and not so sneaky spy techniques.  They can hide (not always very well) in plain sight and follow suspects whilst onlookers watch and laugh at their ridiculous antics, ludicrous props and silly slapstick routines whenever they are caught out and have to ‘abort mission’. 


When they’re not on an assignment, they are training budding wannabe spies the tricks of the trade in the ‘Spy Master Class’. From silly spy walks and absurd following techniques to code-words and suspect observation, they'll have you knocking down the door at MI6 demanding a job in no time!

Spies is beautifully entertaining and lends itself perfectly to festivals, fetes and parades.

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